The exterior covering of the cerebral hemispheres of the brain.
The neocortex, the exterior covering of the cerebral hemispheres of the brain, is approximately 2 millimeters thick and consists of six thin layers of cells. The cortex is convoluted, furrowed, and, if stretched out, would measure 1.5 square feet. In terms of function, the cortex is divided into four lobes distinguished by the lateral and central fissures: the frontal lobe; parietal lobe (which controls sense of touch and body position); temporal lobe (which controls speech, hearing and vision); and occipital lobe, which also controls vision.
See also Brain
Further Reading
Hoffman, Edward. The Right to be Human: A Biography of Abraham Maslow. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1988.
Additional topics
Psychology EncyclopediaPsychological Dictionary: Ibn Bajjah (Abu-Bakr Muhammad ibn-Yahya ibn-al-Saʼigh, c.1106–38) Biography to Perception: cultural differences